The Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics (BMSP), has the mission of contributing to the basic science curriculum of the School of Dentistry as well as preparing students to be competent in the clinical specialty of prosthodontics. The department's research programs contribute new basic knowledge to the biology of the orofacial region with the goal of providing insight into the mechanisms of oral diseases. Faculty in the department generate and disseminate new knowledge and original concepts in oral biology through creative research and scholarship. The department's service component draws upon the unique expertise of the faculty to serve as advisors at the international, national, university, and the School of Dentistry levels.
Biologic and Materials Sciences has an exciting and vigorous research program in several areas related to Oral Biology. Oral Biology is a multi-disciplinary science concerned with the structures and functions of tissues, fluids, and microbial flora in the oral cavity and adjoining areas. Our faculty members are engaged in innovative basic science research to understand the principles and molecular mechanisms that guide normal development, the pathogenesis of oral disease and the development of novel therapeutic approaches. Our areas of emphasis include: cancer biology, materials sciences, microbiology and immunology, neurobiology, and tissue engineering.
Prosthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the replacement and maintenance of oral function, comfort, appearance, and health of the patient by the restoration of natural teeth and/or the replacement of missing teeth. Its major components are complete denture, removable partial denture, fixed partial denture prosthodontics, and dental implants. Our faculty are fully committed to excellence in teaching and provide expert clinical care. Prosthodontic appointments can be made through the Dental Faculty Associates Clinic or the Graduate Prosthodontics Clinic.
Learn about the Awards and Scholarships offered by the Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics.
Academic Programs
In the three-year Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics, students will be trained in all phases of oral rehabilitative procedures including implant placement. Students are enrolled in a 36-month Master's degree program.
The program offers oral health professionals exceptional academic exposure and experience to meet the changing needs of a diverse patient population, enhancing knowledge and skills in the area of prostodontics and implant dentistry.
Prosthodontic restorations, like crowns, bridges, partial or complete dentures and implant retained restorations are available featuring the most up-to-date techniques and equipment.

Emrick Lab
The Emrick lab studies the molecules, cells, and circuitry of the sensory nervous system innervating the mouth, head, and neck to understand how it all encodes oral and craniofacial information, contributes to normal tissue function, and ultimately drives reflexes and perceptions.

Fenno Lab
The Fenno Lab's research focuses on the role of the oral spirochete T. denticola in the development of periodontal diseases.

Gerstner Lab
The Gerstner Lab's research presently has two foci: (1) Comparative masticatory studies. (2) Tooth wear, fecundity and longevity.

H.O.P.E. Lab (DaSilva)
The H.O.P.E. (Headache & Orofacial Pain Effort) Lab investigates the brain as a research and therapeutic target for chronic trigeminal pain disorders,

Kaartinen Lab
The Kaartinen Lab is interested in underlying molecular reasons that lead to a formation of common craniofacial and cardiac birth defects in human newborn babies.

Kohn Lab
The Kohn Lab focuses on how the organizational hierarchy of mineralized tissues results in mechanical competence and to mimic aspects of nature's biomineralization strategies.

Li Lab
Studies the function of neural populations that control breathing rhythms and behaviors (such as sighing), and the pathophysiology of diseases with breathing abnormality.

Liu Lab
Research in the Liu laboratory focuses on understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate physiological and pathological bone metabolism, skeletal and craniofacial bone development and diseases.

Lombaert Lab
The question that is driving the Lombaert Lab's research in the long-term focuses on how to apply stem cell-based therapies to repair damaged tissues.

Ma Lab
The Ma Lab develops novel materials to support various biomedical applications, with emphasis on regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and drug delivery.

Mishina Lab
The Mishina laboratory is interested in functions of BMP signaling during bone development/remodeling and craniofacial development.

Simmer Hu Lab
The Simmer Hu laboratory studies tooth development, focusing on the human genetics of developmental anomalies of the dentition and using mouse models to understand how proteins encoded by genes function during normal tooth development and how their mutations lead to failures in such process.

Surface Lab
The Surface Lab utilizes genome-wide approaches followed by molecular and organismal investigations, to understand the molecular responses of bone cells.

Stern Lab
Tomer Stern, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Our lab is dedicated to understanding the complex choreography of cells as they organize during early animal development, giving rise to diverse organ morphologies, which we achieve through genetic manipulation, advanced microscopy, and computational data analysis, in two different model systems.
Name Sort descending | Contact | Title |
734-615-9390 [email protected] |
Research Fellow | |
Abramyan Vesela, Iva (vesela) |
734-765-1848 [email protected] |
Research Lab Specialist Senior, BMSP |
Al yousuf, Hasan Yousif Khalid (hyousify) |
[email protected] |
Al-Rashdan, Rama (rrashdan) |
(734) 763- 5280 [email protected] |
Clinical Instructor, Department of Prosthodontics |
Alajmi, Salman (salajmi) |
[email protected] |
Bak, Sun-Yung (sybak) |
734-764-5527 [email protected] |
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Beard, Charles C (chbeard) |
734-647-4136 [email protected] |
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry |
Cai, Jing (jingtsai) |
[email protected] |
Chao, Jo-Han (jhchao) |
[email protected] |
Chen, Yu-Jen (yujenc) |
[email protected] |
Chiam, Sieu Yien (Ashley) (ashchiam) |
[email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Correia Cavalcante, Rafael (rafaelcc) |
[email protected] |
Dasilva, Alexandre F M (adasilva) |
734-763-5280 [email protected] |
Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Science, School of Dentistry and Professor of Learning Health Sciences, Medical School |
Dill, Andrew Nelson (andill) |
[email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Dobson, Jacqueline (jdobs) |
734-763-8469 [email protected] |
Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth |
Elsaadany, Salma (salmaels) |
[email protected] |
Emrick, Joshua (jjemrick) |
734-763-1080 [email protected] |
Assistant Professor |
Fenno, J Christopher (fenno) |
734-763-3331 [email protected] |
Professor of Dentistry |
Fulkerson, Michael (fulk) |
734-763-0518 [email protected] |
Business Administrator Lead/Senior |
Gabir, Ahmed (agabir) |
[email protected] |
Geng, Jian-Guo (jgeng) |
734-763-7073 [email protected] |
Associate Professor of Dentistry |
George, Furat M (fgeorge) |
734-763-5280 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Dentistry |
Gerstner, Geoffrey E (geger) |
734-647-3069 [email protected] |
Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Groom, Thomas Dawson (groomt) |
845-527-0631 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Hertanto, Mario (mariohe) |
[email protected] |
Hertanto, Marcel (marcelhe) |
[email protected] |
Hill, Elliott Earl (eehill) |
[email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Johnson, Gary William (gwjonson) |
734-763-5280 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Kapoor, Saumya (saumyak) |
[email protected] |
Kheder, Ashraf (khedera) |
[email protected] |
Kousar, Ayesha (akousar) |
734-763-6828 [email protected] |
Clinical Subjects Coordinator |
Lewis, Charlotte M (charlew) |
734-763-3326 [email protected] |
Dental Assistant Intermediate |
Li, Junying (junying) |
[email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry |
Li, Peng (penglium) |
734-647-0232 [email protected] |
Research Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Institute, Assistant Professor of Dentistry, School of Dentistry and Assistant Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology |
Liu, Fei (feiliu) |
734-936-0911 [email protected] |
Professor of Dentistry |
Lombaert, Isabelle MA (lombaert) |
734-763-1135 [email protected] |
Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Mandair, Gurjit Singh (gmandair) |
734-647-4214 [email protected] |
Research Area Specialist Inter |
McIntosh, Lisa M (lisamcin) |
734-647-1369 [email protected] |
Dental Clinic Coordinator |
Meyer, Sharon E (shaab) |
734-763-3326 [email protected] |
Dental Assistant Intermediat. e |
Mistretta, Charlotte M (chmist) |
734-647-3911 [email protected] |
William R Mann Professor Emerita of Dentistry, Active |
Mohamed, Fatma Faiez A (fmohamed) |
[email protected] |
Oh, Won-Suck (ohws) |
734-615-2168 [email protected] |
Clinical Professor of Dentistry |
Onisiforou, Andreas (oandreas) |
[email protected] |
Roberts, Paul (pdrobe) |
734.763.5280 [email protected] |
Administrative Assistant Intermediate |
Simmer, James Patrick (jsimmer) |
734-764-4676 [email protected] |
Professor of Dentistry |
Siripurapu, Krishnapriya (krisir) |
[email protected] |
Smith, Charles Edward (cessmith) |
734-763-5481 [email protected] |
Adjunct Research Scientist |
Sotillo, Amanda (asotilo) |
[email protected] |
Stern, Tomer (tomers) |
(734) 764-8042 [email protected] |
Assistant Professor of Computational Biology |
Stewart, Karen-Lee Jones (kljones) |
734-763-5280 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Surface, Lauren (lsurface) |
734-763-8656 [email protected] |
Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry |
Taylor, Cherokee (cfalatin) |
734-936-5032 [email protected] |
Administrative Assistant Senior |
Ungar, Herschel (hungar) |
[email protected] |
Velasquez, Victor Moises (victorvm) |
[email protected] |
Wei, Ivy Chen-Xuan (ivycxwei) |
734-763-5280 [email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor |
Xiu, Kemao (kemaoxiu) |
734-647-4205 [email protected] |
Research Fellow |
Yusaf, Ambreen (ambreeny) |
[email protected] |
Zhou, Tongqing (tqzhou) |
734-882-8847 [email protected] |
Graduate Student Research Assistant |
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Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
1011 N University Avenue, Room K1030
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078
Phone: 734-763-5280 or 734-936-5032 | Fax: 734-763-3453
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Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
1011 N University Avenue, Room 3376
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078
Phone: 734-763-3326