As a department, Cariology, Restorative Sciences & Endodontics takes on a large responsibility for DDS training. Within the department, there are a wide range of specialty and research foci. CRSE dental teaching activities include cariology, general dentistry, computerized dentistry, endodontics, dental public health, geriatric and special care dentistry, and applied biomaterials.
Graduate activities include 3-year Master's Degree programs in the field of Restorative Dentistry or Endodontics. CRSE also offers a post-graduate program in Restorative Dentistry or Endodontics. The CRSE research activities include educational research, computerized dentistry research, clinical research, molecular biology, cancer biology, health disparities research, hard tissue research, pulp biology, and novel biomaterials.
Academic Programs
A three year program designed to train dentists to become experts in oral pain management.
The program provides advanced clinical training in direct and indirect esthetic restorations, crown & bridge and implant rehabilitation, affording comprehensive patient management experiences.
A four to six month program, focused on advanced and comprehensive academic and clinical experience in Endodontics with the emerging and advanced technology.
A one year training in the space of biomaterials and tissue engineering applied to dental, oral, and craniofacial tissue regeneration, through didactic, research, and clinical experiences.
A six or twelve month program to enhance fundamental restorative principles and to correlate oral sciences with clinical decision making and patient treatment.
The Endodontics clinic specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases pertaining to the root of a tooth.
At the Graduate General Dentistry Clinic, care is provided by dentists pursuing graduate specialty training. With services ranging from routine treatments (cleanings, exams, x-rays, fillings) to advanced specialty services (same-day crowns, implant restorations, veneers), the Graduate General Dentistry Clinic can serve as a one-stop dental clinic.
The Dental Faculty Associates is a full-service dental clinic that can address all your dental needs. The office operates in much the same manner as any private practice. You and your family receive care exclusively by dentists who are faculty of the University of Michigan's School of Dentistry.

Bottino Lab
The Bottino Lab (Regenerative Dentistry) focuses on identifying and translating regenerative materials and technologies to reestablish dental, oral, and craniofacial (DOC) tissue health.

Fontana/González Lab and Clinical Research Unit
The Fontana/González Lab and Clinical Research Unit's research interests relate primarily to caries management in children, including risk assessment (and interprofessional care models), dental sealants, and oral biofilms as it relates to caries development and/or prevention (and included in this area, therapies that may affect the biofilm, such as xylitol, silver diammine fluoride, etc).

Nör Lab
Nör Lab research interests are in tumor angiogenesis and stem cell biology. The lab's current research foci are the study of mechanisms regulating the vascularization of head and neck tumors, and the impact of cancer stem cells in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas and salivary gland cancer.

Chiego Lab
Dr. Chiego is involved with innervation of the pulp. This is of particular interest because of the variety of its roles in development, growth, pain, inflammation/immunity and repair. These roles occur in most peripheral tissues but in the dental pulp they are concentrated in a well defined anatomical area.

Sasaki Lab
The goal of the Sasaki Lab is to develop novel therapeutic approaches for the prevention and treatment of inflammation-associated diseases and to provide better environment for wound healing and tissue regeneration.

Joseph Decker Lab
The Decker Lab is focused on developing technologies that 1) detect and interpret the inter- and intra-cellular signaling networks within the tissue microenvironment, 2) alter an existing unfavorable microenvironment and 3) leverage alterations in the pathophysiological microenvironment for early detection and intervention. We have several active research aims towards these goals.

Tenuta Lab
The Tenuta Lab is focused on understanding the interactions between the dental biofilm, fluoride and caries, with the goal of developing innovative solutions to reduce caries experience throughout the lifecourse.
Name Sort descending | Contact | Title |
[email protected] |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry | |
Bauer, Patricia Ann (taba) |
734-936-3329 [email protected] |
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Bayne, Stephen C (sbayne) |
[email protected] |
Professor Emeritus of Dentistry |
Benham, Kent J (kbenham) |
734-647-4182 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Bizga, Timothy M (tbizga) |
[email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Bogrow, Earl Keith (ebogrow) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Material Science |
Bonnough, Julie (juliebon) |
734-763-4864 [email protected] |
Dental Hygienist |
Botero, Tatiana M (tbotero) |
734-936-2526 [email protected] |
Clinical Professor of Dentistry |
Carr, R Gregory (gcarr) |
734-763-5176 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry |
Clark, Charleen (charleec) |
734-763-4864 [email protected] |
Dental Hygienist |
Czarnecki, Gregory (gregczar) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Flannagan, Susan E (sflannag) |
734-763-3330 [email protected] |
Research Lab Specialist Senior |
Freccia, William Francis (wfreccia) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Fuller, Kimberly (fullkimb) |
734-647-4249 [email protected] |
Dental Assistant Associate |
Gonzalez, Carlos (carlosgc) |
734-763-5651 [email protected] |
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Richard Christiansen Collegiate Professor of Oral and Craniofacial Global Initiatives, and Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry |
Hamerink, John Douglas (jhamerin) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor |
Heys, John W (jheys) |
734-647-4182 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry and Dentist, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics |
Hodges, Scott Jeffrey (hodgessj) |
734-763-5176 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Jin, Qiming (jinqm) |
734-936-1096 [email protected] |
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Johnson, Thomas H (johnsont) |
734-763-1375 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Karpenko, Amy Ellen (amywatts) |
734-647-2445 [email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Krasnoff, Justin Fredric (jukrasno) |
734-763-6933 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Lako, Nancy Anne (nanlako) |
734-764-1541 [email protected] |
Dental Assistant Intermediate |
McDonald, Neville J (somerled) |
734-615-2811 [email protected] |
Clinical Professor of Dentistry |
Medina-Perez, Gioconda L (gmedina) |
734-647-1482 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry |
Moody, Kristi Michelle (kmlentz) |
734-763-6933 [email protected] |
Patient Services Associate |
Morefield, Andrea (awain) |
734-763-5176 [email protected] |
Allied Health Senior Supr |
Neiva, Gisele De Faria (gisele) |
734-647-7556 [email protected] |
Clinical Professor of Dentistry |
Nor, Jacques Eduardo (jenor) |
734-936-9300 [email protected] |
Dean, School of Dentistry, Donald A Kerr Collegiate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Science and Endodontics, and Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Medical School |
Osenkowski, Angela L (areau) |
734-647-4304 [email protected] |
Dental Assistant Intermediate |
Page, Peggy (pagepeg) |
734-763-4864 [email protected] |
Graduate Restorative Clinic Manager |
Piskorowski, Wilhelm A (wapdds) |
[email protected] |
Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus of Dentistry |
Pitts, Elizabeth Idell (eieaster) |
734-763-3392 [email protected] |
Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth and Adjunct Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry |
Racek, Andrew John (ajracek) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Rassel, Elizabeth M (erassel) |
734-647-4306 [email protected] |
Dental Assistant Intermediate |
Ravizza, Jessica Jay (jesjayb) |
734-763-5441 [email protected] |
Administrative Assistant Sr |
Rice, Kimberly A (kimrice) |
734-973-3337 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry |
Ritchie, Helena H (helenar) |
734-763-3746 [email protected] |
Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Rodriguez Hidalgo, Fabian Andres (farh) |
[email protected] |
Romzick, Carolyn Louise (cromzick) |
248-320-5032 [email protected] |
Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor |
Rubinstein, Richard A (endotrek) |
734-647-4182 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Sasaki, Hajime (hajimes) |
734-647-8750 [email protected] |
Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Satovsky, James (jbsddspa) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Seligman, George N (geonsel) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Shoha, Louis Michael (lmshoha) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Siddanna, Geetha Duddanahalli (geethads) |
734-763-3179 [email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor |
Souza Gomes da Fontoura, Clarissa (fontoura) |
[email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry |
Stowe, Ted J (tstowe) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
Taragin, MARVIN Maynard (trgindds) |
[email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry |
Tawfik, Maryam (tawfikm) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Tenuta, Livia (litenuta) |
734-763-3703 [email protected] |
Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Thomas, Julie Kay (jktdds) |
[email protected] |
Tomaka, Sarah A. (satomaka) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor, Assistant Dean for CBCE |
Valcanaia, Andre Joao (andrev) |
734-764-8980 [email protected] |
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Van Tubergen, Elizabeth (evantub) |
734-647-2418 [email protected] |
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry; Director of the OHS MS program |
Vij, Suman (svij) |
734-763-3209 [email protected] |
Clinical Assistant Professor, Director Patient Admitting & Emergency Services |
Walcott, Wayne E (walcott) |
734-763-9688 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry |
Warner, Kristy Anne (kawarner) |
734-936-9320 [email protected] |
Research Laboratory Specialist Lead |
Weatherspoon, Ariana (arianawe) |
734-763-1375 [email protected] |
Administrative Assistant Senior |
Wortman, Mark C (arion) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Science and Endodontics, School of Dentistry |
Xu, Jinping (jpxu) |
734-763-3634 [email protected] |
Research Lab Specialist Assoc |
Yaman, Peter (pyam) |
734-647-3726 [email protected] |
Clinical Professor of Dentistry |
Yanca, Emily Rose (emthorpe) |
734-763-3988 [email protected] |
Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth |
Yehia, Hassan (hyehia) |
734-647-3722 [email protected] |
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry |
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Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences & Endodontics
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
1011 N University Avenue, Suite 2500
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078
Phone: 734-647-3722