Full orthodontic treatment is available in both our Graduate Orthodontic Clinic and our Orthodontic Faculty Practice.
The Graduate Orthodontic Program at the University of Michigan is considered the premiere residency program in the United States. The clinic provides comprehensive levels of orthodontic care for all ages.
To schedule an appointment, call 734-764-1520.
The Orthodontic Faculty Practice provides state of the art orthodontic treatment by the University's world-renowned orthodontic faculty, using the latest techniques in a caring environment. The clinic's world-renowned orthodontists are fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
To schedule an appointment, please call 734-764-1520.

The clinic accepts patients from external referrals (from any dentist or physician outside the University of Michigan) and internal referrals (from other Departments inside the University of Michigan). If you don’t have a referral from a dentist but need an evaluation performed, call to schedule an appointment to receive an orientation about your orthodontic needs. Please call the orthodontics clinic for any external referral-related questions or requests 734-764-1520
- Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment - Fixed and removable appliances are used to align the teeth for better health and esthetics.
- Early Orthodontic Treatment - On occasion, young children need treatment earlier to help with eruption of teeth and proper skeletal growth.
- Invisalign® - Clear removable aligners are used to correct mild to moderate dental problems.
- Clear Braces - Clear or porcelain braces are used to improve the appearance of fixed appliances.
- Surgical Orthodontic Treatment - A combination of orthodontic and surgical treatment is needed for complex cases involving jaw irregularities.
- Adult Orthodontics - Orthodontic treatment for adults require special attention due to sophisticated restorations and periodontal health.
- Interdisciplinary Orthodontics - Many patients require a coordinated treatment with their orthodontic therapy and other dental fields such as implants and cosmetic dentistry.
- Digital x-rays - State of the art digital x-ray and imaging systems improve overall care of the patients.
- Retainers - Retainers can be adjusted or new retainers can be made to ensure proper alignment.
Print and fill out the Health History Form and take your completed form to the first appointment. Plan to arrive 15 - 30 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete the registration process.
If you have any records (particularly X-ray) taken recently, please bring them with you, or ask your dentist please to send them to us prior to your appointment.
At the first appointment, you will have a clinical evaluation performed to allow the providers to direct you to the proper clinic. The doctors will also explain and provide information about your orthodontic needs, based on the clinical evaluation. With the goal to have a precise diagnosis and to establish the best treatment plan for you, it will be necessary to schedule another appointment to take records. It usually consists in taking an x-ray, photos and intra-oral scanning. After all records and clinical evaluation, the doctors will explain which are the options of treatment, their advantages and disadvantages. Deciding to have your treatment performed by the professionals at the University of Michigan will allow you to receive treatment using the latest techniques in a caring environment.
The fees for orthodontic treatment vary depending on your orthodontic needs and the clinic where you receive treatment. The clinic's staff will bill your insurance, if applicable. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance carrier for coverage of your treatment. Payment or payment arrangements must be made prior to or at the time of treatment.
For more information, visit the Fees and Insurance section.
201 Fletcher
Robert W. Browne Orthodontic Clinic
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-764-1520
Validated Parking AvailableFollow signs to Patient/Visitor Parking in the Fletcher Parking Structure. Our orthodontic practice is located on the first floor of the Kellogg Building on Fletcher Street.
Go to Directions and Parking for patient drop off and more information.