Mission statement of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry:

Advancing health through education, service, research and discovery.


Building on the strengths of its University and State, a diverse University of Michigan School of Dentistry community will lead the science and practice of dentistry with preeminent research, contemporary and engaged learning, and exemplary patient care in a vital and sustainable manner.



We encourage a culture of collaboration, collegiality and helpfulness based on empathy and respect.


We shape the future leaders of dentistry.


We intend to be the best at all we do.


We promote integrity, professionalism, and accountability to ensure ethical decision making.


We commit to honest transparent communication to build relationships.


We challenge existing knowledge to foster problem-solving and new discovery.


We embrace and celebrate our diverse community.



Dean, School of Dentistry, Donald A Kerr Collegiate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Science and Endodontics, and Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Medical School
734-936-9300 | [email protected]
Senior Associate Dean
Professor and Senior Associate Dean
734-647-3904 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Patient Services
Associate Dean for Patient Services and Clinical Professor of Dentistry, School of Dentistry
734-615-8057 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Richard Christiansen Collegiate Professor of Oral and Craniofacial Global Initiatives, and Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry
734-763-5651 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
734-615-5795 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Research
Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences and Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry
734-615-1970 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Students
Associate Dean for Students, Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences and Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry
734-763-3313 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
734-763-6397 | [email protected]
Assistant Dean for CBCE
Clinical Assistant Professor, Assistant Dean for CBCE
734-647-3722 | [email protected]


Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff
734-647-9929 | [email protected]
Chief Information Officer
Chief Information Officer
734-647-5350 office 734-657-8601 cell | [email protected]
Compliance Officer
Compliance Officer
734-764-6986 | [email protected]
Executive Director of Alumni Relations and Development
Chief Development Officer
734-764-6856 Office 810-919-1080 Cell | [email protected]
Director of Budget & Financial Planning
Director of Budget & Financial Planning
734-763-3349 | [email protected]
Director of Clinical Research
Director of Clinical Research and Clinical Professor of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine
734-647-4023 | [email protected]
Director of Dental Faculty Associates
Director, Dental Faculty Associates, Clinical Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry
734-647-4450 | [email protected]
Director of Dental Hygiene Program
Clinical Assistant Professor, Director, Division of Dental Hygiene
734-647-2770 | [email protected]
Director of Engaged Learning and Assessment
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
734-763-1245 | [email protected]
Director of Global Oral Health Initiatives
Clifford Nelson Endowed Professor and Professor of Dentistry
Global Initiatives Program in Oral and Craniofacial Health
Chair - Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics
734-647-1225 | [email protected]
Director of Human Resources
HR Director
734-764-9415 | [email protected]
Director of Curriculum Evaluation and Promotion of Teaching and Learning
Director of curriculum evaluation and promotion of teaching and learning
734-767-4218 | [email protected]
Director of Marketing & Communications
Director of Marketing and Communications
734-615-2600 | [email protected]
Director of Oral Health Sciences PhD Program
William R Mann Professor of Dentistry and Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry,
Director of the OHS/PhD program
734-763-5579 | [email protected]
Director of Pathways Program
Associate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences, and Endodontics
734-763-4258 | [email protected]
Director of Predoctoral Clinical Education
Clinical Professor of Dentistry
734-615-3210 | [email protected]
Director of Oral Health Sciences Master's Program
Director of Safety & Infection Prevention
Director of Safety, Emergency Preparedness, & Infection Prevention
734-764-7742 | [email protected]
Director of Predoctoral Dental Technology
Clinical Professor of Dentistry
734-647-7556 | [email protected]

Department Chairs

Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics (BMSP)
Samuel D Harris Collegiate Professor of Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chair, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics (BMSP)
734-763-6769 | [email protected]
Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics (CRSE)
Clifford Nelson Endowed Professor and Professor of Dentistry
Global Initiatives Program in Oral and Craniofacial Health
Chair - Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics
734-647-1225 | [email protected]
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry (OMS/HD)
James Hayward Endowed Clinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Professor of Dentistry, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery/HD, School of Dentistry and Professor of Oral Surgery
734-936-5950 |
Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry (OPD)
Lysle E Johnston Jr Collegiate Professor of Orthodontics, Professor and Chair of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry
734-647-6567 | [email protected]
Periodontics and Oral Medicine (POM)
William K and Mary Anne Najjar Professor of Dentistry and Professor of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry
734-763-2105 | [email protected]
Lois Hunter : (734) 763 -2105 | [email protected]

Executive Committee

Duties of the Executive Committee:

  • Advise the Dean in administrative functions
  • Investigate and formulate educational and instructional policies for consideration by the faculty
  • Represent the faculty in matters of budget and other financial affairs
  • Act for the faculty on recommendations for appointment, promotion, and tenure
  • Prepare and circulate to each department an annual assessment of areas needing future, coordinated attention in the School for purposes of long-range planning

Natalie C Roberts Professor of Dentistry, Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Science, School of Dentistry and Professor of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
734-764-2206 | [email protected]
Clinical Professor of Dentistry
734-615-3210 | [email protected]
Dr. Walter H. Swartz Professor of Integrated Special Care Dentistry and Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
734-936-8289 | [email protected]
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
734-764-2070 | [email protected]
Professor of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry
734-647-2150 | [email protected]
Robert W. Browne Endowed Professor of Dentistry,
Professor of Dentistry
734-763-2206 | [email protected]

Graduate Program and Residency Directors

Dental Hygiene Graduate Program
Director, Graduate Dental Hygiene Program. Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry.
734-615-8507 | [email protected]
Endodontics Graduate Program
Clinical Professor of Dentistry
734-615-2811 | [email protected]
General Practice Residency
Dr. Walter H. Swartz Professor of Integrated Special Care Dentistry and Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
734-936-8289 | [email protected]
Oral Health Sciences PhD Program
William R Mann Professor of Dentistry and Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry,
Director of the OHS/PhD program
734-763-5579 | [email protected]
Oral Health Sciences Masters Program
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry; Director of the OHS MS program
734-647-2418 | [email protected]
Oncology Fellowship
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Graduate Program
Chalmers J Lyons Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Professor of Dentistry, Chair, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry, School of Dentistry
734-936-6266 | [email protected]
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency
James Hayward Endowed Clinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Professor of Dentistry, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery/HD, School of Dentistry and Professor of Oral Surgery
734-936-5950 |
Program Director for Orofacial Pain Residency/Hospital Dentistry
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry
734-936-3940 | [email protected]
Orthodontics Graduate Program
Robert W Browne Professor of Orthodontics and Clinical Professor of Dentistry
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
734-764-4504 | [email protected]
Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Program
Clinical Professor of Dentistry
734-763-2331 | [email protected]
Periodontics Graduate Program
Collegiate Professor of Periodontics and Professor of Dentistry
734-763-3383 | [email protected]
Prosthodontics Graduate Program
Professor of Dentistry
734-936-0911 | [email protected]
Restorative Dentistry Graduate Program
Clinical Professor of Dentistry
734-647-7556 | [email protected]


Academic Affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs oversees all educational programs, including DDS, the Internationally Trained Dentist Program (ITDP), Dental Hygiene and graduate and post-graduate programs. It administers Global Initiatives in Oral Health, the Pathways program, educational course support services, faculty development in teaching, clinical rotation schedules and accreditation. Academic Affairs manages pre-doctoral, ITDP and graduate admissions, the Registrar's Office, financial aid and the school’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative, as well as all student activities, organizations and advising. Its events include DDS candidate interviews, student orientation, the White Coat ceremony, Career Day, Pathways Day, Faculty Appreciation and Commencement.


Student academic progress is monitored by regular meetings, at the end of each semester and at the midterm of the fall and winter semesters, of Academic Review Board I (D1 and D2 years) and Academic Review Board II (D3 and D4 years). These boards are comprised of faculty representatives from each department. The Assistant Dean for Student Services, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Registrar are ad hoc members (non-voting) of these two Boards. Decisions regarding academic progress and promotion are made according to the faculty Policy for Academic Performance and Promotion, which includes the procedures for student appeals.


The School of Dentistry Curriculum Committee is responsible for managing the curriculum, evaluating educational outcomes and reviewing the curriculum on a regular basis. New courses must be reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee. It is chaired by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and has departmental/discipline representation.


Responsibilities of Educational Support Services:

  • Schedule faculty and speakers for lectures
  • Set-up and maintain a course Canvas site
  • Request, gather and post lecture materials
  • Create randomized seating charts for quizzes and tests
  • Provide accommodations for students with documented disabilities
  • Assist with iClicker setup, uploads, and troubleshooting
  • Request questions, format and copy exams, and/or post for online testing
  • Proctor make-up or special accommodation exams
  • Take exams to Examination & Evaluation for grading
  • House exams until course is complete
  • Host exam viewing hours for students
  • Set-up and maintain grade book
  • Post grades to Canvas and Wolverine Access
  • Please refer to the ESS Best Practices Guide for more information

If you are interested in working with ESS please contact us at [email protected] and send us a complete syllabusfor your course. We encourage course directors to come to us as soon as the semester course schedules are available, usually 6-8 weeks before the semester begins, so that we may be of assistance every step of the way, from course set-up to final grades.

Looking for more help with your courses? Curriculum Administration can help! We are happy to share our expertise on syllabus creation, Canvas, and Wolverine Access. If you are wondering if there may be a better way to do something, please talk to us! We may just have the solution that you have been looking for.


Some of our Dental and Dental Hygiene students have documented disabilities which require special accommodations to ensure that they receive an equitable education experience. These students will present Course Directors with a letter at the beginning of the semester, signed by Dr. Renee E. Duff, Assistant Dean for Student Services, outlining the accommodations recommended by the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) department. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to, captioning requests, CART services, interpretive services, separate testing environment, or additional time for testing. If you have any questions, you are welcome to call or email SSD, Dr. Renee Duff or the Educational Support Services Team in Academic Affairs.


Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Richard Christiansen Collegiate Professor of Oral and Craniofacial Global Initiatives, and Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry
734-763-5651 | [email protected]
Associate Dean for Student Services
Associate Dean for Students, Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences and Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry
734-763-3313 | [email protected]
Director of Engaged Learning and Assessment
Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
734-763-1245 | [email protected]
Director of Pathways Program
Associate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences, and Endodontics
734-763-4258 | [email protected]
Director of Curriculum Evaluation and Promotion of Teaching and Learning
Director of curriculum evaluation and promotion of teaching and learning
734-767-4218 | [email protected]
Assistant SPI Program Director
Assistant Program Director, Standardized Patient Instructor Program
734-615-7203 | [email protected]
School Registrar

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant to Dr. Carlos Gonzalez
Administrative Assistant Senior for Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
734-763-5651 | [email protected]

Administrative Assistant to Dr. Renee Duff
Student Admin Assistant Senior
734-763-3313 | [email protected]

Educational Support Services
[email protected]

Accounting & Procurement

The School of Dentistry’s Department of Budget & Finance performs many of the accounting and procurement transactions and financial reporting for the school. Visit the Accounting and Procurement website for documents pertaining to travel reimbursement, p-card changes, payment to vendors, and other accounting and procurement services.


Finance Manager
Director of Budget & Financial Planning
734-763-3349 | [email protected]



Compliance is a willingness to follow a prescribed course of action, i.e. laws, regulations, policies. In our University setting, compliance is not primarily about policing people's behavior; it is about understanding which standards apply to our activities and making sure we meet them.

Compliance is a job done by many people. The School of Dentistry has a Compliance Officer who works closely with other campus units, lawyers, and external entities who are concerned with our compliance efforts. Department administrators oversee compliance efforts in their areas of responsibility. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for compliance.

Compliance questions - if you are not sure how to report a concern, or if a concern is worth reporting, you may discuss it with the Compliance Officer who can offer guidance as to the most appropriate reporting mechanism.


Compliance Officer
Compliance Officer
734-764-6986 | [email protected]


Dental Informatics

Dental Informatics is the Information Technology (IT) hub for the School of Dentistry, providing technology solutions for faculty, staff, and students in service of education, patient service, research and discovery.

With services ranging from web applications, web design and security to data analytics, data mining and analysis, the technology professionals at Dental Informatics can consult and determine a course of action to best suit your needs. The Dental Informatics team is nimble and ever-inquisitive to remain on the leading edge of rapidly emerging technologies, such as intraoral scanners and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) for use chairside, for research, or for teaching and learning.


Submit a ticket

You can also contact the Help Center: 763-3318 or [email protected]


Using technology to advance health through education, service, research, and discovery


The School of Dentistry on-staff security analysts work with the Information Assurance Office and Compliance to keep your data and patient information secure. For the most up-to-date information about security, please visit Safe Computing.

Report an IT Security Incident

Dental Informatics can provide data visualizations, reports, and dashboards that you can customize. Dental Informatics can also help analyze your data for significant findings and extract data for research needs.

The University of Michigan School of Dentistry participates in the BigMouth Dental Data Repository.

On-staff instructional designers consult with faculty and students to help educational experience. They provide expertise in technological solutions, surveys, Canvas, and all pedagogical methodologies.

MiDent is a patient management system that is composed of a dynamic set of programs that work together to support patient care and clinical research.

To request a purchase of new computer(s) and or hardware for your department, submit a ticket using the orange button above. You will be contacted by a Help Service personnel to get the process started.

All classroom technology questions about training or demonstrations of equipment, requesting lecture capture or any other questions regarding classroom technology, call 763-3318 or send an email to [email protected].

Faculty Affairs

The Office of Faculty Affairs is responsible for oversight and management of topics related to faculty. This includes management of the faculty search process, faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions and tenure status and faculty governance. We also support the School of Dentistry Executive Committee and Appointment, Promotions and Tenure Committee, as well as the academic departments and faculty in the appointment and promotion processes.


Faculty Affairs Coordinator
Associate Director for Faculty Affairs
734-615-6339 | [email protected]


Faculty Development

Faculty Professional Development in Teaching and Learning is an initiative developed to support the Education Domain of the UM SOD Strategic Plan. It supports this domain by developing and implementing a curriculum for faculty development centered on teaching and learning.


Director of Curriculum Evaluation and Promotion of Teaching and Learning
Director of curriculum evaluation and promotion of teaching and learning
734-767-4218 | [email protected]
Academic Program Specialist
Academic Program Specialist
734-763-1785 | [email protected]


Human Resources


Partnering talent with resources to support the advancement of the Dental School’s mission, vision, and strategic plan through our L.E.A.D guiding principles: Leading by example with respect and reliability, Exemplary customer service, Accuracy and attention to detail with transactions, and Delivering strategic guidance in the access of information, training, implementation of policies, procedures, practices, regulations, compensation, recruiting, and employment of our Faculty, Staff, and Student workers.


Do you have concerns about maintaining a respectful and welcoming environment? Please follow the button below to learn more about reporting campus climate concerns.


[email protected] | 734-764-4173

Director of Human Resources
HR Director
734-764-9415 | [email protected]
HR Business Partner
HR Business Partner
734-763-1790 | [email protected]
On-site Day: Mondays
HR Business Partner
On-site Day: Tuesdays
HR Business Partner
HR Business Partner
734-763-1789 | [email protected]
On-site Day: Wednesdays
HR Specialist
On-site Day: Thursdays


Marketing & Communications

The Office of Marketing & Communications works with the School of Dentistry community to promote and enhance the school’s reputation to a variety of audiences locally, nationally and around the world. The communications team works with faculty, staff and students to tell important stories, disseminate research findings and promote awareness of the school and its services through internal and external channels.

The goal of the communication initiatives is to make important connections with internal audiences as well as with prospective students and their families, patients, alumni, friends and the media.

The communications team provides assistance and support to help colleagues find the best strategy to share their stories – online, in the media, in print and social media.


The communications team uses both traditional and contemporary tools to share stories. The team publishes the alumni magazine, DentalUM, in the spring and fall in both print and electronic formats. The team writes press releases, news stories, features and Spotlight posts for the web site, and managex seven social media properties.

The University of Michigan name and graphic identity are important parts of building and presenting our image. The communications team works with individuals, departments and units to ensure adherence to the School of Dentistry’s editorial and graphic-identity standards with the appropriate use of logos and U-M wordmarks in publications.


Director of Marketing & Communications
Director of Marketing and Communications
734-615-2600 | [email protected]
Associate Director of Marketing & Communications
Associate Director of Communications
734-615-1971 | [email protected]
Web Content Administrator / Social Media
Web Content Administrator
734-763-8760 | [email protected]
Graphic Designer
Multimedia Designer
734-763-3322 | [email protected]
Web Designer Senior
Web Designer Sr
734-763-9449 | [email protected]
Multimedia Producer
Multimedia Producer
734-764-4629 | [email protected]


The Registrar’s Office manages many tasks relating to student records from shortly after acceptance to the program, during the program, and even years after the student has graduated. The Registrar's Office process verification documentation, National Dental Board Examination (NBDE) and Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT) approvals, Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS) application documents, and course evaluations. The office schedules School of Dentistry rooms and final exams. The Registrar's Office publishes textbook lists and academic and course schedules. The office also provides support to the Academic Review Boards and coordinate commencement activities.


The University of Michigan
School of Dentistry
Registrar's Office, G226
1011 N. University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078
[email protected] | 734-764-1512 | Fax: 734-764-1922



The Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry, housed within the School of Dentistry, is one of a handful of museums throughout the world devoted to preserving and exhibiting the history of dentistry.

The major renovation and expansion at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, with construction beginning in fall 2018, updates and expands the school’s state-of-the-art facilities for teaching dental students, serving patients from around Michigan and conducting world-class research that advances the dental profession.


The Global Initiatives program strives to improve oral health around the world.

Every year, students and faculty from the School of Dentistry travel to select countries to work and train with local doctors and patients.


The Michigan tradition is grounded in providing opportunities to all qualified students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion. The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, under the direction of Dr. Todd Ester, works with the Office of Student Affairs to provide recruitment, counseling and mentoring support.


With the input of a multidisciplinary team of students, faculty, and staff, the U-M School of Dentistry developed a strategic plan founded in the visions of five domains required for long-term growth and vitality.