Ivy Chen-Xuan Wei
DDS, Ms, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor


Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics




Dr. Chenxuan Wei obtained her dental degree in 2010. After graduation, Dr. Wei did 2 years of postdoctoral training in restorative Dentistry in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. In 2013, she went to the University of Hong Kong to pursue her PhD in oral biology and dental biomaterials. Her main research areas include bio-integration, tissues regeneration and infection control of implant materials, dental filling materials, and dental ceramics. Her work has received multiple awards from the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). In 2019, Dr. Wei joined the Graduate Prosthodontics Program at the University of Michigan. Upon graduation, Dr Wei was recruited by the University as Clinical Assistant Professor, and co-director of the pre-doc implant program in 2022.