1 - 20 of 1482
lastname Sort ascending Phone email jobtitle Department Tags
Zupelari Goncalves, Paulo
734-763-5963 [email protected] Predoctoral Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial… Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry Faculty, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry
Zupelari, Marina
734-763-3115 [email protected] Clinical Research Coord Assoc Staff
Zucchelli, Giovanni
734-764-9148 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Professor of Dentistry Periodontics & Oral Medicine Faculty, Periodontics & Oral Medicine
Zonder, Michael Steven
810-844-0240 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Dentistry, Department of Community Based Dental… Faculty
Zimmer, Jacob Martin
[email protected] Periodontics & Oral Medicine Student, Grad Student, Periodontics (MS)
Zillich, Irene Sea Haddock
734-647-3722 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Cariology,… Faculty
Zhu, Emily
[email protected] Faculty
Zhou, Tongqing
734-882-8847 [email protected] Graduate Student Research Assistant Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics Staff, Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics
Zhou, Yuanchun
734-764-4173 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Dentistry, Department of Cariology, Restorative… Faculty
Zhang, Hong
734-975-9318 [email protected] Research Fellow Staff
Zhang, Chuhua
734-975-9326 [email protected] Research Lab Tech Lead/Sr Staff
Zhang, Shelly
[email protected] NULL Staff
Zhang, Zhaocheng
[email protected] Research Lab Specialist Lead Staff
Zeipekis, Jacob
734-615-8964 [email protected] INSTRUMENT/STER PROCESSOR Staff
Zamler, David R
734-647-3722 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry, Department of Community Based Dental… Faculty
Zaleski, Kaylie Brooke Marie
269-966-2625 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Dentistry, Department of Community Based Dental… Faculty
Zakaria, Samir Fahmi
734-763-3383 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Periodotnics and… Faculty
Zahn, Mark D
734-764-2210 [email protected] Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry and Adjunct Clinical Assistant… Faculty
Zahavi, Miela Rephaia
[email protected] Staff
Zafar, Saad
[email protected] Student, Dental Postgraduate Student