Stefanie Marie VanDuine

Director, Degree Completion in Dental Hygiene

Clinical Lecturer in Dentistry





After graduating from the University of Michigan’s entry-level dental hygiene program in 2010, I practiced dental hygiene in Chicago for two years before finding a strong desire to pursue a career in dental hygiene education. My passion brought me back to Ann Arbor, where I completed my MSDH at U-M. I began my teaching career while in my final semesters of graduate school. Since 2014, I have had teaching responsibilities teaching in the clinical and didactic settings, including online teaching. I have advised several BSDH and MSDH students in both research and teaching. I have a strong passion for advocating for the oral health of the public and oral-systemic health research. I am also a member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and the American Dental Education and serve as a peer reviewer for the International Journal of Dental Hygiene and the Journal of Dental Education.