Zoom is a user-friendly teleconferencing tool that allows you to meet with your provider at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry conveniently and safely. Below are instructions on how to get started with Zoom.

Please note that we are required by law to obtain consent for this interaction via telemedicine. If you do not agree to this, we can provide the ability to have a phone call or in-person once the School of Dentistry returns to normal operations.

Providing services via teledentistry has its limitations. As such, we will not be able to touch and examine you.

Please also note that we have the option of recording our interaction. The recording will be used only for the purposes of documenting your treatment in your patient record. If you do not want us to record the session it will not affect the care you receive.


Zoom is a user-friendly teleconferencing tool that allows you to meet with your provider at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry conveniently and safely. Below are instructions on how to get started with Zoom.

Have you already downloaded Zoom? If so, start at Step 3. If you’re not sure or you don’t have Zoom, continue below.


1. Navigate to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone.
apple app store logo
google play logo
2. Search for Zoom Cloud Meetings and begin to download the app to your phone.

IMPORTANT: Other Zoom apps exist, so make sure that you are downloading Zoom Cloud Meetings.

zoom cloud meetings


3. Locate the email that your provider sent you that contains the Zoom meeting information. The email will be sent from your provider (for example: Theodora Danciu).

Click on the hyperlink underneath Join Zoom Meeting.

join zoom meeting
4. Enter your name.
zoom image 3
5. Confirm that you allow Zoom to access your camera by clicking OK or Accept. This is how your provider will see you and administer care to you. When you end the Zoom call, your video session will also close.
zoom conference image
6. You should see a front-facing view of your face. If not, you may want to flip your phone over.

Click Join with Video.

zoom conference image
7. Confirm that you allow Zoom to access your microphone by clicking OK or Accept.

This is how your provider will hear you and administer care to you. When you end the Zoom call, your audio session will also close.

zoom conference image
8. Click Allow to receive notifications.
zoom conference image
9. Select Call using Internet Audio to use your smartphone’s audio.
zoom conference image
10. Make sure that both your audio and video is turned on.

In the screenshot to the right, the audio is turned off. Turn it back on by clicking the red microphone.

Can't see your face? You may want to turn your camera around by clicking the camera icon (circled in green) in the top left corner of the screen.

zoom conference image


Click Leave to end the call with your provider.
zoom conference image

IMPORTANT: Have you been diagnosed with Burning Mouth Disorder/Syndrome or other orofacial pain disorder? If so, please also download the GeoPain app (https://www.geopain.com/).
geo pain logo

GeoPain is a HIPAA compliant mobile app made freely available to patients. It was created by MoxyTech, a University of Michigan spin-off company focused on providing the best tools to track, communicate, and understand pain. Any questions can be directed to: [email protected].